Food and music are a match made in heaven. Destined for marriage. Soundfood is a happily married couple on their honeymoon. This book is a representation of exceptional musicians and their love of good food. Each of the artists involved have given a favourite recipe and a tune to match. All the ingredients for a great dinner party are ready and waiting. An example of sensory sorcery ignited by two of the most pleasurable things in this world. The Soundfood cookbook features recipes from 14 musical magicians that best represent their favourite things to eat. The book is accompanied by a USB album of music featuring tunes from each of the artists.
- Spoonbill
- Opiuo
- Mr Bill
- Circuit Bent
- Spoonhead
- N.A.M.E.
- Mr Squatch
- Isaac Chambers
- Swaai
- Nort
- Simon Flower
- Fiord
- Grouch
Food photography by: Kit Haselden
Check out Soundfood: